Vanessa:I should never have been a doctor

1.Vanessa:Potage crème aux perles
2.Vanessa:No, I cannot understand
3.Vanessa:Must the winter come so soon?
4.Vanessa:Listen!... They are here...
5.Vanessa:Do not utter a word, Anatol
6.Vanessa:Yes, I believe I shall love you
7.Vanessa:Who are you?
8.Vanessa:And then? - He made me drink
9.Vanessa:No, you are not as good a skater
10.Vanessa:Under the willow tree...
11.Vanessa:Erika, I am so happy
12.Vanessa:Our arms entwined
13.Vanessa:Did you hear her?
14.Vanessa:Outside this house the world has changed
15.Vanessa:Orchestral Interlude - Hymn
16.Vanessa:The Count and the Countess d'Albany
17.Vanessa:I should never have been a doctor
18.Vanessa:Here you are!
19.Vanessa:At last I found you
20.Vanessa:Nothing to worry about
21.Vanessa:Why did no one warn me?
22.Vanessa:Why must the greatest sorrows
23.Vanessa:There, look!
24.Vanessa:Anatol, tell me the truth!
25.Vanessa:Take me away
26.Vanessa:Grandmother! - Yes, Erika
28.Vanessa:By the time we arrive
29.Vanessa:For every love there is a last farewell
30.Vanessa:And you, my friend
31.Vanessa:To leave, to break (Quintet)
32.Vanessa:Goodbye, Erika