ring ring(电话响了)
​Batman needs me now (蝙蝠侠现在需要我)
​ ’couse joker is a asshole(因为小丑其实是个坏蛋)
The weapon is ​toy gun(但是武器是玩具枪)
No bad good job (不错,我喜欢)
It's actually pretty good(这样下去也挺好)
Bat man joker Not boring hold on
​ring ring(电话响了)
​Batman needs me now (蝙蝠侠现在需要我)
​ ’couse joker is a asshole(因为小丑其实是个坏蛋)
The weapon is ​toy gun(但是武器是玩具枪)
​No bad good job(不错,我喜欢)
​It's actually pretty good(这样下去也挺好)
Bat man joker Not boring ding-a-ling!
Cancel each other out(相互抵消互相伤害)
​Each shot(相互开枪)
Green hair with bat darts
Each shot(相互开枪)
Cancel each other out(相互抵消互相伤害)
​Each shot(相互开枪)
Green hair with bat darts
Each shot(相互开枪)
Forget Harley Quinn and Damian Wayne(忘掉小丑女和罗宾)
Forget Harley Quinn and Damian Wayne(忘掉小丑女和罗宾)
why soserious
ring ring(电话响了)
​Batman needs me now (蝙蝠侠现在需要我)
​ ’couse joker is a asshole(因为小丑其实是个坏蛋)
The weapon is ​toy gun(但是武器是玩具枪)
No bad good job (不错,我喜欢)
It's actually pretty good(这样下去也挺好)
Bat man joker Not boring
​ring ring(电话响了)
​Batman needs me now (蝙蝠侠现在需要我)
​ ’couse joker is a asshole(因为小丑其实是个坏蛋)
The weapon is ​toy gun(武器是玩具枪)
​No bad good job(不错,我喜欢)
​It's actually pretty good(这样下去也挺好)
Bat man joker Not boring ding-a-ling!(疯子)
Why so serious?(为什么这么严肃?)
​Everybody's crazy(所有人都疯了)
​’couse do what you love(因为做自己喜欢的事)
Everybody's crazy(所有人都疯了)
​’couse do what you love(因为做自己喜欢的事)
Everybody's crazy(所有人都疯了)
​’couse do what you love(因为做自己喜欢的事)
ring ring(电话响了)
​Batman needs me now (蝙蝠侠现在需要我)
​ ’couse joker is a asshole(因为小丑其实是个坏蛋)
The weapon is ​toy gun(但是武器是玩具枪)
No bad good job (不错,我喜欢)
It's actually pretty good(这样下去也挺好)
Bat man joker Not boring