Stick, stick to your stones cause that's all you know 你还是那样 心如磐石
I was caught in the middle 我进退两难 不知所措
I swallow my words down to the bone 话未出口只能咽下
Cause nothing's that simple 事情并非那么简单
Late at night you pour it out 每当深夜 你就找人发泄一通
Know that only brings you down 即使你明白这会使你更加难过
Go ahead give me all the blame 不过没事 我会承受你的所有责备
And twist my words and set them to flame, woah 曲解我的本意并将它们燃烧殆尽
We all know 我们都心知肚明
That you'll go tell all of your friends 而你会到处奔走相告
That I'm the one you wish you never met 说你希望我们本不该相遇
Woah 噢
We all know 这些你我都清楚
The story never ends, ends 这段故事未完待续
The story never ends, ends 这段故事尚未完结
Wound me like a toy spinning too fast 我像是个快速旋转的木偶
In every direction 朝着四面八方 晕头转向
How, how could I stay when you lit a match to all my intentions? 你把我的好意都付之一炬 我还能怎么说服自己把你留下
Late at night you pour it out 每到深夜 你就大吐苦水
Know that only brings you down 即使你知道那会使你更难过
Go ahead give me all the blame 来吧没事 我会承受你的所有责备
And twist my words and set them to flame, woah 把我的本意燃烧殆尽
We all know 我们都心知肚明
That you'll go tell all of your friends 你还会到处奔走相告
That I'm the one you wish you never met 说你希望我们本不该相遇
Woah 噢
We all know 我们都很清楚
The story never ends, ends 可这段故事未完待续
The story never ends, ends 我们的故事尚未完结
That’s who you are 你就是这样
Crash the car 即便出了车祸
Blame the road 也要责怪是马路的错
Never your fault 你从来就不会把错误归咎于自己
After all 毕竟
I would know 我们都知道
The story never ends 这段故事尚未完结
The story 我们的故事
The story never ends, ends 这段故事未完待续
The story never ends, ends 这段故事尚未完结
The story 我们的故事
The story 我们的故事
The story 我们的故事
The story 我们的故事
1.I Like Me Better
2.Mean It(翻自 Lauv)
3.The Story Never Ends (Piano Version)