Remix/編曲: QOverLoad
Vocal/mix/和聲/主歌中文作詞: 西檀Siitan
你坠入胜败束缚 战场的赌注 伤 的疲倦
脑海中不断缭绕无数呢喃 "Stop, now"
依旧披星等待 勒马临崖是胜是败 烽火在喝采
Arm yourself, a storm is coming (握紧武器 风暴即将来临)
Well, kid (好吧,孩子...)
What you gonna do now? (你现在该怎么做?)
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive 坠入无尽深渊,或登临永恒之殿
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly 让鬼魅臣服,你会翱于山巅
Fly Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,张开双翼
It's time for a new empire 新的王朝,终将降临
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling 埋葬阴影,挣脱锁链
Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔
And now you're playing with matches come out of the ashes 星星之火,足以燎原
Underneath you a million voices in the crowd they're screaming "Stop now" 千声鬼魅,刺耳嗥鸣
Well let 'em swallow their pride you're turning the tide to true believers 就让阴影吞没过去的荣耀,从死亡走向真正的信仰
Got them in the palm of your hand you're playing God now 命运在握,彷如天神下凡
What you gonna do now 你会去向哪里
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down 生存还是毁灭,系于一念之间
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive 坠入无尽深渊,或登永恒之殿
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly 征服鬼魅,翱于山巅
Fly Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,浴火重生
It's time for a new empire 新的王朝,终将降临
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling 埋葬阴影,挣脱锁链
Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔
So are you gonna die today or make it out (alive) 坠入无尽深渊,或登临永恒之殿
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly 征服鬼魅,翱于山巅
Fly Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔
It's time for a new empire 新的王朝,终将降临
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling 埋葬阴影,挣脱锁链
Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,浴火新生