Hands up to mash up the DJ
高举双手 让DJ将声波揉进乐曲
Smash all you know make them shout it out loud
猛击你的常识 让他们为此狂声呼喊
Hands up and clap to the DJ
高举双手 与DJ先生击掌欢呼
Let all us rock and roll just start it give it to the crowd
在观众的摩肩接踵中 开始尽情摇摆吧
Hands up to mash up the DJ
高举双手 使DJ与乐声混杂
Smash all you know make us shout it out loud
粉碎你的所知 让我们为此高声呐喊
Hands up and clap to the DJ
高举双手 在DJ的声浪中拍响它们
Let all us rock and roll and start it give it to me now
现在交给我 在摇滚乐中开始狂欢吧
我们需要抹杀痛苦的刽子手的二度帮助 因为它正袭来
Pain killer we need one more, it's coming
你想让腐坏深入骨髓 我赌你脑子坏掉了
You want it bad to the bone I'll bet you lose your mind
Brain chiller the floor's now out of order
Kick out and crush the world and all that's left behind
高举双手 让音乐混入DJ声中
锤烂你的所想 让我们为此齐声欢呼
Hands up to mash up the DJ
高举双手 为DJ鸣响掌声
Smash all you know make us shout it out loud
全部 摇摆起来吧 Yeah
Hands up and clap to the DJ
Yeah Yeah Yeah 你现在成为我的一部分
Let all them rock and roll Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah. You're now a part of me
Yeah 你会明白你将看到的
Realize what you feel inside thee
击碎这地板 击碎周围一切 然后大吼出声
Yeah you'll know what you are gonna see
陌生的感知从来存在 你确实也知道的吧
Smash the floor and smash all to shout it out loud
Strange feeling is always there ya know it
We had enough of the **** I think I'll puke and cry
Change will never be there unless you get it yourself so
Yeah Yeah Yeah 你现在成为我之所有物
Kick out and crush the world and all what's left behind
Yaeh 你会明白你将看到的
Yeah Yeah Yeah. You're now a part of me
击碎这地板 击碎周围一切 然后大吼出声
Realize what you feel inside thee
现在抛开所有吧 你此刻从属于我
Yeah you'll know what you are gonna see
Smash the floor and smash all to shout it out loud
我漠视这一切 最好不要招惹我
Now let go. You're now a part of me
捣碎世界将它胡搅乱拌 倾往观众之海中
Realize what you feel inside thee
Yeah Yeah Yeah 你现在成为我之所有物
I don't care so never **** with me
Smash the world mash all and give it to the crowd
Yaeh 你会明白你将看到的
击碎这地板 击碎周围一切 然后大吼出声
Yeah Yeah Yeah. You're now a part of me
现在抛开所有吧 你此刻从属于我
Realize what you feel inside thee
Yeah you'll know what you are gonna see
我漠视这一切 最好不要招惹我
Smash the floor and smash all to shout it out loud
捣碎世界将它胡搅乱拌 倾往观众之海中
Now let go. You're now a part of me
Realize what you feel inside thee
I don't care so never **** with me
Smash the world mash all and give it to the crowd