Storm clouds hanging overhead
Offer not the slightest bit of comfort for the first time in days
I wait to discover disasters that I've slept though while I felt so alive
So we say goodbye, so we say goodbye
Heartstrings severed just as quick as they were discovered
So we say goodbye, so we say goodbye
I'll break my own fall to keep you picture perfect
Just don't wake me up now...
So say goodbye, close your eyes for the last time
Questioning everything that went wrong
The silence - she whispers to me
Telling me things we dare to speak out loud
The collaboration of the blinding sun
Through vacant streets hits home hard
Like a hatchet to the skull
I'd keep you here if it kept me warm and these winters away
Your hands were the only hands needed to hold me
For the first time in days, I feel alive
In the end, we'll both rot together
In the end, we'll rot together, our love lies in embers
So say goodbye, close your eyes for the last time
Questioning everything that went wrong
Peering out of those same cracked windows
That I studied for days upon days
Suddenly collapse, it all falls down
So say goodbye, close your eyes for the last time
Questioning everything that went wrong
2.When Goodbye Means Forever
4.Choose To Love, Live Or Die
5.Your Shirt Would Look Better With A Columbian Neck Tie
6.Upon A Rivers Sky
7.Bet It All On Black
8.Never Never Land
9.My Best Wishes
10.To Kill Tomorrow
11.Deth Certificate For A Beauty Queen
12.Sharks In Your Mouth
13.Say Goodbye
14.Homocide Documentaries