RainLike tin angels falling down
Like a mission and we're halfway there
From some old dried up, fried forgotten town
WhyWon't they let us be ourselves?
With our potential we could toe the line
And show the bastards up with our divine
Light light light light
SeizeAll the records from the past
Hold for ransom all the artifacts
This ragged town protects them to the last
With lies lies lies lies
See them running heading
Homeward to
All the liars in your tribe
To be the fires on the western side
Of some old front we call '
The war of art'
RainLike tin angels falling down
Like a mission and we're halfway there
From some old dried up, fried forgotten town
From some old dried up, fried forgotten town
To some old dried up, fried forgotten town
2.*** & Candy
3.Ancient Walls Of Flowers
4.Saint Joe On The School Bus
5.A Cloak Of Elvenkind
6.Sherry Fraser
7.Gone Crazy
9.One More Suicide
10.Dog And His Master
11.The Shadow Of Seattle
12.The Vampires Of New York