I don't know man
我不知道 伙计
I have no idea how to make good music
Whatever fack that
无所谓了 管他呢
Make some noise for my bro COOK
Let'em know yo
让他们瞧瞧 yo
C O O K You better know!
C O O K 你最好清楚
【Verse 1】
看他们走起来了 肮脏的手洗白了
如果没有peace and love就会有了害了
Keep it real还在的 信就才怪呢
都是想 一步 登天的井底之蛙
口水歌的泛滥 影响大众的判断
那些fake别惹我 惹我可没地方躲
说起gangsta 的rapper一身江湖气
从不举棋不定 对决定非常笃定
Now Everybody get up Get your hands up with me
现在都给爷起来 手举起来
JONNY-KING should here in any minute
Check check I feel like I'm dressed like Shady 50
Check check我觉得我穿的像阿姆 50(讽刺现在Rapper靠衣着说唱)
I can't find my ghost oh what a pity
我找不到我的枪手 真遗憾(讽刺有人找枪手写歌)
Then Everybody shut up sit up and Listen
然后都给爷闭嘴 坐好 听着
We don't do good music We feed on cover
我们不做好的音乐 我们靠做封面吃饭(讽刺有人不注重音乐本身)
Patience gets thinner I scream fack damn fakers
快没耐心了 我大吼去这些冒牌货
How can I write without someone having me inspired
要是没人启发我 我怎么写歌啊?
【Verse 2】
Now wake up get it up grab whatever you got
现在都起来 东西带好
Take your guns drive your cars bang your women in the park
抄家伙 开上车 和你的姑娘在公园里爽一把(讽刺现在Rapper歌词没营养)
I was too high in the bar I was drinking with Rap
我在酒吧太嗨了 和Rap喝了一场
Shouldn't be too hard to let you motherfackers to suck my cock(They say)
"Production should be improved"and"Breathing should stop"
"I'm only here for Johnny""pronounciation too sucks"
Well that's good advice I should consider about that
好吧 这是个好建议 我应当采取
Nah man that's too mean What fack is that??
哦不哥们儿 这也太扎心了吧 我去 这玩意儿是啥?(这是Kairy看到评论后的反应 由浅到深)
Perhaps you need a god-damn song to shake to death
或许你们需要一首天杀的歌 让你们嗨到爆炸
I never should've picked up the pen Fack what've you said
You motherfackers can keep sucking Johnny's ball and grow a pair
你们只能接着做JK的脑残粉 然后试图变得和他一样
Who's insane me?You're gonna make me cut my finger on TV?
Stab me in the back?It's only way for you to beat me
You continue on rapping then end up making yourself dizz
你继续说唱 然后把自己搞得晕头转向
Can't match me not even close though I'm in fackin'kitch
根本比不上我 还差得远呢 尽管我还在厨房里(Kairy兼职工作是厨师)
Tip tap that's funny you rap just like Hello-Kitty
滴滴答答 有趣 你Rap就像凯蒂猫
So drop the mic first before you decide to sleep with that nurse
所以在你决定是否要和那个护士玩玩儿之前 先扔掉麦克风(当今说唱圈总是透露出消极情绪 Kairy希望Rap圈能传递更多正能量)
I did a research Green Arrow actually killed Tobias Church
我做了点研究 实际上是绿箭侠杀了托拜厄斯·丘奇(丘奇是绿箭侠第五季的开头反派 被最终反派普罗米修斯杀死 原因是因为他试图搞垮绿箭 也就是说 是因为绿箭导致了丘奇的死亡 Kairy总是认为自己是逻辑鬼才 这便是他的推断)
There's much to learn not just nonsense Faker should be burnt
还有很多要学 不仅仅是胡说八道 冒牌货就该被烧焦
You're not cursed not like us you were even born in the dirt
你没有被诅咒 不像我们 你甚至不是生在底层(讽刺那些流量丰富还不知足 怨天尤人 实际上没有实力的人)
Baby I like it when you call me Sir but you actually call me sucker
宝贝 我喜欢你叫我先生 但其实你只是叫我混球
Why would I write anything like this if nothing occurs?
要是啥也没发生 我干嘛要写这样的词呢?(讽刺许多Rapper言之无物)
Put your hands up and Skr I should go back to be a nerd
手举着 喊Skr 我应该回去当个书呆子了
Brainless take your time to call me motherfackin'skirt
没头脑 赶紧叫我“裙子”啊(热浪米克罗里曾叫女超人“短裙” 因为他当时不知道她的能耐 并认为自己不会需要超女的帮助 实际上2秒后就真香了)
I say
Now Everybody get up Get your hands up with me
现在都给爷起来 手举起来
JONNY-KING should here in any minute
Check check I feel like I'm dressed like Shady 50
Check check我觉得我穿的像阿姆 50(讽刺现在Rapper靠衣着说唱)
I can't find my ghost oh what a pity
我找不到我的枪手 真遗憾(讽刺有人找枪手写歌)
Then Everybody shut up sit up and Listen
然后都给爷闭嘴 坐好 听着
We don't do good music We feed on cover
我们不做好的音乐 我们靠做封面吃饭(讽刺有人不注重音乐本身)
Patience gets thinner I scream fack damn fakers
快没耐心了 我大吼去这些冒牌货
How can I write without someone having me inspired
要是没人启发我 我怎么写歌啊?
Isn't this crazy man?
They can't stop shaking their legs
他们抖腿抖得停不下来(抖腿是一个很轻浮 毁形象的行为 所谓“男穷女贱” 另一层是想说Kairy的音乐让他们太嗨了)
Something's coming you better know that
有事情要发生了 你最好清楚
And Patrick Star!
1.Sit Up
2.From K.P.C