Wardance of the Technocracy

Ha ha, **** you
In times of great depression
Leaders are chosen in panic
But why one without emotions?
Machine has taken over man
Technicians rule our land
Together we must stay against the wardance
Keep your faith within your mind
The safest place it can be
Betrayal in shape of your family
You see it every day
We must create democracy
Destroy the machines!
And together all of us
Elusive the human kind
A form of life has been chosen
In times of great depression
Leaders are chosen in panic
But why one without emotions?
Machine has taken over man
Technicians rule our land
Together we must stay against the wardance
1.Weeping Souls of Autumn Desire
2.Life Equals Zero (A Love Song)
4.Inherit the Wind
5.Wardance of the Technocracy