Sons Of Darkness

These final days are upon us, these final days are upon us!
Is this the final judgement of our time? Will the end draw near?
Visions of the judgement of the dead, vespers of the dying rhetoric
Is this the eternal? Redemption forewarned, will the stars fall from the skies?
Visions of the lakes of fire, vespers of utter destruction,
Persecutors of the holy, bring forth the beast,
Cast out thy wicked, cast out thy sons of darkness,
I awake thee!
And so it may be, a time of eternal redemption,
Prospering in aeons of blasphemy, vespers of the purest idolatry,
Upon the wicked, we shall rise,
As the dead stand upon the throne,
He shall now rule, the conqueror,
He shall now rule, the cursed god,
Persecutors of the holy, bring forth the beast,
Cast out thy wicked, cast out thy sons of darkness,
I awake thee!
1.I Monarch
2.Two Demons
3.It Is Our Will
4.The Plague Of Humanity
5.The Victorious Reign
6.Faceless One
7.Sons Of Darkness
8.Path To The Eternal Gods
9.To Know Our Enemies
10.Behold Judas