Hey, Hey, Hey Rock'n Roll Star

I wanna be a rock'n roll star
I wanna be the one who plays an ace guitar
In every town
I want to get me drinks for free
And thousand girls will cry when
I have to leave
Hey, Hey,
Hey, rock'n roll star
I wann abe the one with preference to ****
A heavy metal gentleman rising out of ruck
I am so nimble fingered, rubbing strings so fast
Also between your maiden girlfriend's legs
I'll surely never get reduced to penury
Like a poor wretch who's rock'n rolling in money
My childhood dreams, now reality
Until another bastard gets bigger than me
1.Sow the Seeds of Discord
2.A Hazy Shade of Winter
3.**** the Police
4.That's What an Unknown Killer Diarized
5.Frozens Screams
6.Wander in the Valley
8.Hanging Judge
9.No Way Out
10.'Til Death Do Us Unite
12.Suicidal Justice
13.Schwerter Zu Pflugscharen
14.Hey, Hey, Hey Rock'n Roll Star
15.Master of Disguise