Black Snake Sister - Luxuria - Luxt

1.Till the End - Spes - Hope
2.Dorian - Invidia - Envy
3.False Gods - Fides - Faith
4.Wild Heart - Fortitudo - Fortitude
5.Too Much - Gula - Excess
6.Black Snake Sister - Luxuria - Luxt
7.Last Exit - Ira - Wrath
8.My Treasure - Avaritia - Greed
9.Raise the Dawn - Temperantia - Temperance
10.Fire in Paradise - Caritas - Love
11.Unperfectly Perfect - Prudentia - Prudence
12.She Knows Why - Justitia - Justice
13.Heart of Stone - Superbia - Pride
14.The Death of Souls - Acedia - Sloth