Queer Eye for the Scene Guy

Your Flock of Seagulls hair cut ain't metal no matter what you say
You say that you like girls, but even Halford thinks that you look gay
Look like a fat ass teenage girl, Facebook says you're a man
Do the scene a favor and quit playing in a ******* band
Speaking of doing favors, you should buy yourself a mirror
If that T shirt were alive it would be squirting ******* tears
Busting at the seams or so it seems, wear clothes that ******* fit
Those pants are so damn tight, it must be really hard to take a ****
Let's make sure to get real mad when one of us does well
More fans must means they sold out, at least they got something to sell
Redundancy's a cop out, not the sound of being free
How many ******* ways can you go BREE, BREE, BREE, BREE, BREE?
Can't say that we're a new thing, it's all been done before
But all the same at the same time, is just a ******* bore
Cookie cutters mass producing breakdowns and hair cuts
I hope that the next spin kick lands right on your nuts
1.Ruben's Ride
2.I Didn't Feel Like Drinking (Until I Started Drinking)
4.Foot Chase
5.Ginger Rails
6.Get Wrecked
7.Queer Eye for the Scene Guy
8.Sleeping With the Enemy
9.Down the Line
10.Made in Rock
11.Hella Weights
12.Stellar Mass
13.Bar Room Bully