You Know You're Only Dreaming

One more touch and then you'll see
World of hidden mystery
Visions of you know you're only dreamin'
Colors change,
I stand upright
Screaming souls in the night
Visions of you know you're only dreamin'
Chaos all within my mind
Wanna live with my kind
Visions of you know you're only dreamin'
1.Paranoia, Pt. 2
2.Hurry on Sundown
3.Master of the Universe
4.Space Is Deep
5.Silver Machine [Live]
6.Lord of Light
7.You Shouldn't Do That
8.Reefer Madness
10.You Know You're Only Dreaming
11.Born to Go [Live]
12.Orgone Accumulator [Live]
13.Assault and Battery
14.The Golden Void
16.Psychedelic Warlords
17.Wind of Change
19.Spirit of the Age [Live]