This Will Be the Day(翻自 Jeff Williams)

They see you as small and helpless 【他们认为你弱小无助
They see you as just a child 【他们只把你当成小孩
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild 【当他们发现一个勇士即将君临会惊讶无比
Prepare for your greatest moments 【迎接你最伟大的瞬间
Prepare for your finest hour 【迎接你最辉煌的时刻
The dream that you've always dreamed is 【你一直梦寐以求的梦想
Suddenly about to flower 【霍然就要成为现实
We are lightning 【我们是闪电
Straying from the thunder 【从雷霆中失落而出
Miracles of ancient wonder 【远古神迹中的奇迹
This will be the day we've waited for 【这将是我们期待已久的一天
This will be the day we open up the door 【这将是我们敞开大门的一天
I don't wanna hear your absolution 【我不想听你忏悔
Hope your ready for a revolution 【我要你准备革命
Welcome to a world of new solutions 【欢迎来到四通八达的世界
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution 【欢迎来到血腥进化的世界
In time-your heart will open minds 【总有一天你会豁然开朗
A story will be told 【一段传奇将被传颂
And victory is in a simple soul 【胜利藏于朴实之魂中
Your world needs a great defender 【你的世界需要强大的守护者
Your world's in the way of harm 【你的世界阻挡着伤害的蔓延
You want a romantic life a fairytale that's full of charm 【你渴望的浪漫一生是充满魅力的童话
Beware that the light is fading 【要当心光芒正在暗淡
Beware as the dark returns 【要堤防黑暗随时回归
This world's unforgiving 【这个世界毫不留情
Even brilliant lights will cease to burn 再灿烂的火花也会熄灭
Legends scatter 神话消散
Day and night will sever 【昼夜将被分离
Hope and peace are lost forever 【希望与安宁永久失迷
This will be the day we've waited for 【这将是我们期待已久的一天
This will be the day we open up the door 【这将是我们敞开大门的一天
I don't wanna hear your absolution 【我不想听你忏悔
Hope your ready for a revolution 【我要你准备革命
Welcome to a world of new solutions 【欢迎来到四通八达的世界
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution 【欢迎来到血腥进化的世界
In time your heart will open minds 【总有一天你会豁然开朗
A story will be told 【一段传奇将被传颂
And victory is in a simple soul 【胜利藏于朴实之魂中
1.ツキアカリのミチシルベ(Acoustic)(翻自 ステレオポニー)
2.Weight of the World(日/英/造语翻唱)(翻自 河野マリナ)
5.六等星の夜(Album Mix)
7.This Will Be the Day(翻自 Jeff Williams)
8.Brave Shine