< > 这里内为已死去被复活的人的歌词,
"if the clouds could be looking down upon this war torn land"
"what stories will it tell the wind tell the sea"
"of sorrow and of bravery of destruction and rebirth"
"Yan endless song of life and death unfolding"
"The night I watched the city burn"
<the night I lost my life>
"hidden away like a lost child"
<with no one by my side>
"smoke and fires covered the sky"
<my body lay cold in the night>
+the night i lost everything in the chaos and firelight+
<I will stay right here by your side>
"with you by my side"
<I will have a reason to fight>
"you guard my dreams at night"
<the future of Amberland rests in you>
"let me warm your hands"
+you shine like a golden star of dawn messenger of a warm twilight+
"Hope shone on the horizon"
<the long night is over now>
"Your body fades please stay with me"
"你的身体在消失 请不要走"
<don't cry let me see your smile>
"By your hands the future was saved"
<it is now yours to build>
+please stay with me a while longer till we see the golden sunrise+
+请再多待一会儿 直到我们看到金色的日出+
"rest now my beloved friend within me you shall live"
"入睡吧 我的挚友 你将活在我心中"
"your names will be sang far and wide"
"in decades and centuries to come"
"世世代代 直到永远"
"rest now oh noble souls return to your sleep at last"
"入睡吧 高贵的灵魂 终于可以长眠"
"and in your dreams oh can you see Amberland's golden glow"
"在你梦中 你是否能看到恩伯兰金色的光芒"
<live on my beloved friend in you the story goes on>
<活下去吧 我的挚友 你的故事还很漫长>
<with your hands the city shall rise>
<通过你的手 恩伯兰将再起>
<with your voice the story sang>
<live on oh brave young souls whatever hardship may come>
<活下去吧 勇敢的年轻灵魂 无论道路多么艰难>
<and when the fields turn into oceans of gold we shall meet again in the light>
<当田野再次变成金色的海洋 我们将在光芒中相会>
"For now" <Farewell....>.
2.Farewell (bonus track)
3.Macabre Stage