Raptures for Orchestra on the Madrigals of Gesualdo: Mille vilte il di moro

1.Praises from the Corners of the Earth: John Donne
2.Symphony of Songs: Answer July
3.Praises from the Corners of the Earth: Chief Joseph Strongwolf
4.Praises from the Corners of the Earth: e.e. cummings
5.Raptures for Orchestra on the Madrigals of Gesualdo: Moro, lasso, al mio duolo
6.Raptures for Orchestra on the Madrigals of Gesualdo: Mille vilte il di moro
7.Raptures for Orchestra on the Madrigals of Gesualdo: Io pur respiro
8.Symphony of Songs: Fed By My Labors
9.Symphony of Songs: Who Is My Shepherd
10.Symphony of Songs: The Smile
11.Symphony of Songs: Adieu, Farewell Earths Sweet Bliss