Blow Me Away You (Niverse)

Reverse, blow me in that black hole down there
Return through perfect circle of my retina
No Gravity
Watch Out!
Hang Out!
**** Off!
Beyond! Out
Yonder! Upsidedown
I bleed on you so ease my pain,
Blow Me Away
You !!!!!!!!!!!
Smash Up! wash away the blood from my body
I see this halo of dust all around
But my vision is clear
I know I don't have any forces left
To go the distance
La dame des fauves
I defy you,
Artemis Shoot me between the eyes
I want to face the day of reckoning
Reunite, I want to embrace your light
Implode, explode, both at the same time
Destruction, let me disappear, fill my empty,
Go to venus ('s)
1.Drum Solo
3.Blow Me Away You (Niverse)
4.Death Of Me
6.Embrace The World
7.Space Time
8.Terra Inc.
10.Wisdom Comes
11.Lizard Skin
12.Inward Movement
13.The Link