A Little Drunk

You tell me trust it 你告诉我应该信任
I never find it 我从没知晓
It's pouring my heart 当涌入我心头
Let me want away 让我想逃离片刻
I want you better before everytime 我想让你比过去的每一刻都更好
I see I was wrong let me give you a respect 我发现了我的错误就让我给你一份尊重
If sun falls 如果阳光洒落
I stay here 我将停留此刻
And follow its canto in the summer 伴随着夏季悦动的旋律
That in my heart 那都在我心中
Ha a where is you 亲爱的你在哪?
Wandering with you in the forest of flowers 和你徜徉于漫花的林间
We are chasing in running 我们在奔跑中追逐
The laughter I felt 我感受到的欢声笑语
And with clinking the cocktails we drunk 如同碰杯后鸡尾酒的微醺
Isn't you like to fly your kites by the lake in the park? 你是否愿意在公园湖畔一起放飞属于你我的风筝
Have you time to take a walk to the Persian Gulf and with me? (And with me?) 亲爱的你有时间和我一起去波斯湾散步吗?
Now I can understand we need a conversation 现在 我知道我们需要交谈
Just like you 但我只钟意你一人
I miss you a lot remember foward 我很思念你但仍然记得前进
I am steep in your eyes 我沉浸于你的双眼
It's like a vast ocean 它如同汪洋大海一般
I want to see you across thousands thought mountains and rivers (and rivers, and rivers, and rivers) 我想跨过万千人海 穿过群山河流见你一面
A little drunk 此情此景令我微醺
A little drunk 此情此景令我微醺
A little drunk 此情此景令我微醺
A little drunk 此情此景令我微醺
I start in 我开始投入
Write notes 写下这音符乐曲
And take you 带上你
Into this 融入其中
We are chasing in running 我们在奔跑中追逐
The laughter I felt 我感受到的欢声笑语
And with clinking the cocktails we drunk 如同碰杯后鸡尾酒的微醺
Isn't you like to fly your kites by the lake in the park 你是否愿意在公园湖畔一起放飞属于你我的风筝
Have you time to take a walk to the Persian Gulf and with me? (and with me?) 亲爱的你有时间和我一起去波斯湾散步吗
I don't know 我不知道
With laugh to you 带上对你的欢声笑语
Is it like the pretty dusk 是否像黄昏般美好
1.A Little Drunk