
[01:29.60][01:43.37][02:42.83][02:56.77]lovely day last night blew some trees, never chemistry(好日子,哥们儿吹牛,就爱吹牛)
[01:32.64][01:46.92][02:45.96][03:00.20]lovely day HoneyJune on the beat, said she vibe with this(好日子,哥们儿做音乐,她也爱听)
[01:35.93][01:50.66][02:49.25][03:03.93]lovely day get me on the stage, I don't **** with street(好日子,哥们儿上台,不搞帮派)
[01:39.55][01:54.27][02:52.86][03:07.50]lovely day none is not okay, can we do the sway(好日子,没什么大不了,一个字摇)
[00:37.84]no life is sweet as dount, still gotta pick yourself up(生活不是甜甜圈,你得振作)
Morning coco milk(可可牛奶当早餐)
bread for my breakfast to lunch ey(起床已经是午饭的时间)
Chilling with homies but still on the mattress 她说我像一匹狼 ey
25 1 4 (8) 26 1 0
Coming to new era separate mamba it's time we acting a fool(在新时代幻想着想科比一样成功,但却懒得像猪)
铃铛铃铛响,舒服的我在车上躺 还没停
Bling bling 闪 是金子就不怕没人抢
A season a season we made it no limit just dancing in qiaqia ey(别想无限的工作,此刻先一起摇摆)
1 hundred 1 hundred from zero to hundred play the kungfu we won't stop(就像功夫丹只是起点,我们不要停下来)
To err is human and passwords preceded(人非圣贤,孰能无错)
The cold world the feeling still hunger my willing get wealthy and healthy revealing the meaning(我的野心很大,所以我会继续努力)
mip will be legend deed(我们将会成为传奇)
I ma coming for u gunning for it running for it(我汲汲于此)
This time will never be a section fool(时间不是我的借口)
chigga willing never fading outstanding thank you to give me this option( Ima take the action )
what i want what i hustle(什么是我所想所求)
sad or not you can control(悲喜都掌控在自己手中)
what i gonna pick up
do i need or enough I’m just unsure(无法确定我需要学习的是什么)
You thought u got a deep mind yea I’m that shallow no lie(你大可认为自己高深 我承认自己的肤浅)
but I know my happiness u just stuck in it tell me who’s the fool guy(但我知道何为快乐你却总纠结孰是孰非 这种东西东西哪来明确的定义)
I can feel I’m painful know it’s not a bless so not proud of being weirdo(我清楚自己的痛处这绝不是幸运的所以我从不以怪异为豪)
I never say it’s so so if I don’t say it’s nono I’ll scream and say that’s **** my chigga!(我不喜欢模棱两可的答复 如果我没有否定我会说“兄dei,这贼牛逼!”)
Picking and learning with holler .june .biggi(MIPs各位都在不断学习与进取)
My guys they just running got no time in hating(我们没有时间去嫉妒仇恨)
I’m in love with my chasing no fold I need payment(我享受获取的感觉 我做事必求回报)
Still got regretation I know ima waste it(当然浪费与后悔也是难免的)
Heechy why yall know that
Mips just glow don’t fold that
U gonna post me?we mad but **** never on a low we got Eimen
Jan’s with me I feel that
Man stand behind supporting
Moyuto funny but warm
finally I got my laughing. (所幸友情与爱情兼得)