In the mornin' you go gunnin' for the man who stole your water
早上醒来你拿起枪 到处追杀偷走你眼泪的那个人
And you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the border
直到他逃得筋疲力尽时你向他开火 但人们却最终在边界处把你抓获
And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet
But the hangman isn't hangin' so they put you on the street
但刽子手没有把你绞死 因此他们把你游街示众
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turinin' 'round and 'round
时光倒退重新来过吧 杰克 时间的车轮滚滚向前
You go back, Jack, do it again
时光倒退重新来过吧 杰克
When you know she's no high climber then you find your only friend
当你明白她不再高不可攀 你把她归为你的知己
In a room with your two timer, but you're sure you're near the end
你在房间里看着两个计时器 你确信你的生命已所剩无几
Then you love a little wild one, and she brings you only sorrow
你爱上了这个略带狂野的恋人 她却只给你带来悲伤
All the time you know she's smilin', you'll be on your knees tomorrow
你向来爱慕她的浅浅一笑 你明日还欲向她屈膝求爱
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turinin' 'round and 'round
时光倒退重新来过吧 杰克 时间的车轮滚滚向前
Guitar Solo
Keyboard Solo
Now you swear and kick and beg us that you're not a gamblin' man;
Then you find you're back in Vegas with a handle in your hand
Your black cards can bring you money so you hide them when you're able
In the land of milk and honey you must put them on the table
生活在这片肥沃丰裕的土地 你一定将黑卡草草放在了桌上
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turinin' 'round and 'round
时光倒退重新来过吧 杰克 时间的车轮滚滚向前
1.Reelin' in the Years
3.Dirty Work
4.Hey Nineteen
5.Don't Take Me Alive
6.Black Cow
7.Deacon Blues
8.Kid Charlemagne
9.Home at Last
11.Babylon Sisters
12.Rikki Don't Lose That Number
13.Any Major Dude Will Tell You
15.Only a Fool Would Say That
16.Do It Again
19.Pretzel Logic