trap trap trap
only eighteen,my crew like bruce lee
甩开your fist,sucker be sucking
管得有好多faker追求good teeth
无趣 mother****er 好像你们造不来句
solo ben现在要开始发力 写个trilogy 然后kill you 让你啷个都站不起 skrrrrrr
shout out to redkiller
he won the beat
人活一张脸 树活一张皮 working hard 到白日依山尽 we go like a diamonds
shine shining in the dark shining ...
老子写歌就是要让everybody know 然后from the international 让everybody know ...everybody know know you should know
tell tell me baby why are you so sad
with my squad we gotta ****ing that old shit
give me one shot,only 18 you already know baby baby comeon come on listen my flow
she say she like treat me good like I been be a boyfriend
no one even thinking about that I will gotta world fame
dreaming one day I will feeling 兰博 and I earning money
cash in oh no who wuuuya
与你素未平生 但是英雄不问出身
身加战袍出征 台下观众给我呼声
像是身临其境 所以我涉笔成趣
对hiphop矢志不移的态度 让你望尘莫及
他让我醍醐灌顶 把我烦心事都处理
我的过去把我唤醒 回忆胶片全都冲洗
时间提醒我要努力hustle充满活力全都给我立正稍息homie给 我的鼓励
回到记忆古迹 我该走到哪去
再和我的homie一起重建江山社稷 我的江山社稷 江山社稷... trap...