Behold a white horse
And he who set upon him
Was called faithful and true
And in righteousness he doth judge and make war
His eyes were as a flame of fire
And on his head were many crawns
And he had a name written
That no man knew but he himself
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
And the armies followed him upon white horses
Clothed in fine linen, white and clean
And out of this mouth goeth a sharp sword
That with it he should smite the nations
And he shall rule then with a rod of iron
And the remnant were slain
With the sword
1.Indigenous to the Appalling (Mutinous Human)
2.Summarily Killed
3.Path of the Weakening
4.Execute the Anthropophagi
5.A Violent God
6.Sense of the Diabolic
7.Sounds of Loud Reigns
8.I Die on My Own Terms