Human - a child of the Earth
Still fallowing his rules and laws
Demanding, enslaving and using
Enthroned himself as a Lord of the Whole
Creator of a God of a man
Too proud to perceive the realities
His constant way to the grave
A Fate set up by the code
To the grave
To the grave
Still marching on
To the gates
To the gates
Where the Death awaits You...
Come closer, my Child
Now sleep well in my arms
Cold kiss of Death
Shall free your final breath
To the grave
To the grave
Still marching on
To the grave
To the grave
You'll meet the Human... DEAD
O tempera, o mores!
How weak became this pride...
Ad portas inferi
Where even Death may cry...
Human-a child of the Earth
Still fallowing his rules and laws
Demanding, enslaving and using
Enthroned himself as a Lord of the World
To the grave
To the grave
Still marching on
To the grave
To the grave
You'll meet the Human... DEAD
To the grave
To the grave
To the grave
To the grave
Still marching on
1.Codemned To Decay
2.Resist And Bite
3.Silver Moonlight
4.The Essence Of Silence
5.Over The Top
6.Killers & Kings
7.Face Down
8.Seven Years Alone
9.Cease To Exist
10.100% Pure American Rage
11.The Wolves Die Young
12.Endless Nights
13.Triumph Of Death
14.Human Sacrifice
16.Lethal Pressure
17.Triumph And Power
18.Midnight Meditation