A Kiss Between the Legs

Like a trip in luxury
A little ship with you and me
We won the lottery
We sail on silver into the sunset
And we'll live to be a hundred
A kiss between the legs -
I wonder how
Just a kiss -
A kiss makes it better
A kiss between the legs - yeah, somehow
One day it's chicken, the next day it's feathers
A kiss between the legs.
Yeah -Whenever you find what you seek
It's Be kind to ********-week!!
Oh la-la-la.
On a journey ruled by love
A little luck and true romance
Your ticket you'll find..
Is booked and paid for in advance
So put it back in your pants
A kiss between the legs...
Deep in your eyes
I see that you are life to me
If you're the kind that wait
Please hear my wish, grant me my request: -
I want to live between your breasts!!
A kiss between the legs...
Yeah, whenever you build a home -
Build it around her moan..
Oh la-la-la
1.Candy Bar
3.A Kiss Between the Legs