One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

One bourbon, One Scotch, and one beer.
I said hey mister bartender come in here!
I want another drink and I want it now.
My baby she's gone, she's been gone tonight,
I aint's seen my girl since the night before last.
I wanna get drunk, get her off of my mind.
I wanna a bourbon, one scotch and one beer.
And then I sat there, Drinking,
Gettin high, mellow, knocked out, feelin good.
And after a while, I looked on the wall,
At the old clock.
By that time it was 11:30.
Gettin i little late
I looked down at the bar, at the bartender.
I said, Hey!
What do you want?
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer.
Well my baby's gone, she's been gone tonight.
I ain't seen my baby since the night before last.
I wanna get drunk, get her off of my mind.
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer.
And I saty there, I was drinking,
Getting stoned, and "dupe dupe"
Getting a little buzy in the head,
And after a while, I looked on the wall again,
And by that time, lees cold, for alcohol.
Then I looked down at the bar, at the bartender.
I said, Hey Mr. Bartender!
What do you want this time?
One bourbon, one scotch and one beer.
2.713 Blues
3.Settin' On Top Of The World
4.Five Long Years
5.Make It Funky
6.714 Blues
7.(You'll Never Amount To Anything If You Don't Go To) Collage (A Fortuitous Concatenation Of Events)
9.One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer