Amor...si me llamas amor
Love, if you call me love
si me dejas amarte, mi bien...yo te voy a adorar.
If you let me love you, my dear... i will adore you.
Las estrellas nos veran asombradas
The stars will look at us, amazed
la noche y el dia seran llamaradas
The night and the day will be flared-up
Candor... si me das tu candor
Innocence, if you give me your innocence
si me dejas amarte, mi bien...yo te voy a adorar.
If you let me love you, my dear... i will adore you.
Amor...si me llamas amor
Love, if you call me love
si me dejas amarte, mi bien...yo te voy a adorar.
If you let me love you, my well... i will adore you.
Las estrellas nos veran asombradas
The stars will look at us, amazed
la noche y el dia seran llamaradas
The night and the day will be flared-up
Valor... si me das tu valor
Courage, if you give me your courage
Si me atrevo a quererte, mi sol... te voy a idolatrar
If i dare to love you, my sun... i will worship you
Los angeles nos traeran la ternura
Angels will bring us tenderness
Las flores nos vestiran de dulzura
The flowers will dress us with sweetness
Contigo voy a so?ar con que rubes
With you, i’ll dream that you blush
Contigo voy a pasear en las nubes
With you, i’ll walk in the clouds
Contigo voy a pasear en las nubes
With you, i’ll walk in the clouds
Contigo voy a pasear en las nubes
With you, i’ll walk in the clouds
Amooooooooor... en las nubes
Looooooooooove... in the clouds
1.Main Title/Boat Arrival
2.Ticket Switch/Train Flashback/Catching Bus
3.Miracle Wish
4.Tinfoil Rings
5.Star Wishes
6.No Bedtime/Teddybear Flashback
7.Butterfly Wings
8.Morning Walk/I'll Stay
9.The Harvest
10.First Kiss
11.Wanted Truth/Victoria's Pain/Let ‘Em Know It
12.Honorable Man/Whistling
13.Las Nubes Return
14.Angry Alberto/Vineyard Fire/Fire Aftermath
15.Viral Vine
16.End Title
17.Main Title (film version)
18.Tinfoil Rings (film version)
19.Star Wishes (film version)
20.Butterfly Wings (film version)
21.First Kiss (alternate opening)
22."Spring" from "The Four Seasons" (A. Vivaldi)
23.Betty's Slow Fox (source)
24.Slow Dance
25.Crush the Grapes
26.Mariachi Serenade