I'm sitting here alone -
In this Waxwork
Palace I stare at the motionless man, with the eyes of
Judas It's a face
I've seen before.
In a distant
Mental War
Where am I?
Where have
I come from?
I am Frankenstein -
One Million
Years B.C.
Rule the Earth -
All for you to see
Museum of
Mankind - distilled in
Ghostly Silence
This Orb no longer turns.
As if it never happened
My laboratory has closed.
I'm a scientist with all the answers
But where am
I? But where do
I belong???
I am Frankenstein -
One Million
Years D.C.
Machines now rule
The Earth.
Not for you to see.
I've played chess against the world, and conquered my own madness
I've designed my own plague -
Become my own
Big Brother
But life goes on, and all this wealth
I own....
Amongst the ruins
I roam, uncivilized.
1.Voodoo Fire
2.The Unnatural World
4.Kaleidoscope Of Desire
5.Earth Messiah
6.Satanikus Robotikus
7.The Omega Man
8.The Caravan
9.Captain Clegg
10.Heavy Load
11.Dust Of Paradise