Short Song About The 10 Freeway

Evening came on like a big red wing
And the dying sun, split his colors on everything,
And as the night came on, you burst into song
And you scraped your car up against the guardrail
And god is present in the sweeping gesture
But the devil is in the details
1.No, I Can't. (Alternate Version)
2.The Sign
3.Song For Dana Plato
4.Faithless Bacchant Song
5.Short Song About The 10 Freeway
6.Pure Intentions
7.The Lady From Shanghai
8.Snow Song
9.Song For An Old Friend
10.Pure Love
11.Alpha Double Negative: Going To Catalina
12.Rain Song
13.Sail On
14.The Bad Doctor
15.Black Molly
16.Going To Santiago
17.Teenage World
18.Star Dusting
19.Going To Monaco
20.No, I Can't.
21.Alpha Desperation March
22.Early Spring
23.Going To Cleveland
25.Going To Bangor
26.Against Agamemnon
27.Noche Del Guajolote