the morning comes to a stuttering halt
the cool breeze that blows is somebody's fault
the summer heat tries to burn through
and i look over to warn you but something's happening
the morning glories climb the wall
and you speak in a slow drawl
i'm trying to piece together what you're saying
but the birds are screeching, the hounds are baying
i don't remember there being any hounds around here
we lean back and we clink our glasses
raise the drinks to our thirsty mouths,
and thick as molasses ice cold vodka eases in as
the low pressure system brings the breezes in
and they sashay and pirouette above you
the only thing i know is that i love you
and i'm holding on,
1.Going to Georgia
2.Quetzalcoatl Is Born
3.Song for Tura Satana
4.Alpha in Tauris
5.Grendel's Mother
6.Young Caesar 2000
7.Going to Lebanon
8.Bad Priestess
9.Orange Ball of Hate
10.Orange Ball of Love
11.Quetzalcoatl Eats Plums
12.We Have Seen the Enemy
13.Going to Bristol
14.That Black Ice Cream Song
15.Alpha Sun Hat
16.Standard Bitter Love Song #7
17.Sinaloon Milk Snake Song
18.Azo Tle Nelli in Tlalticpac?
19.Alpha Incipiens