The moon was singing the blues
The stars in the sky harmonized singing it too and
I, far below was singing low and slow for you and
I know all the world was singing the blues
The Queen was singing the blues
The President played the saxophone sounded so along it was on the news
And from Ursa
Minor in what looked like an all-night diner came lonely luminous creatures whose only human feature was singing the blues soft and low
The blues was singing the blues
The dead in their graves and the gods in their caves, they'd been waiting so long to sing the blue song about you
2.Love Is Like a Bottle of Gin
3.I'm Sorry I Love You
5.Yeah! Oh, Yeah!
6.For We Are the King of the Boudoir
7.The Night You Can't Remember
8.Two Kinds of People
9.I Can't Touch You Anymore
10.Queen of the Savages
11.How to Say Goodbye
12.Blue You
13.Experimental Music Love
14.Wi' Nae Wee Bairn Ye'll Me Beget
15.Bitter Tears
16.The Death of Ferdinand de Saussure
17.Acoustic Guitar
18.Busby Berkeley Dreams
19.It's a Crime
20.Love in the Shadows
22.Xylophone Track
23.Strange Eyes