Why am I feeling so good
Why am I feeling so high
Like I could reach for the sky
And nothing's gonna bring me down
Cause you paved the way for romance
When you kept him out of your pants
I'm a new man today
And I say,
Hey! Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
I've got a nine percent chance of your love
A nine percent chance of your love
Nine percent of the time it's me you're thinking of
My foot's in the door
And if you're keeping score
I only need ninety-one more!
I'm back on my game now
And fit as a fiddle
Cause you can't deny that you want me a little
I'm back in the driver's seat
Or at least in the car
I'm back on the road to where you are
I've got a nine percent chance of your love
A nine percent chance of your love
And I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of when
My chances go up to ten!
I'm gonna lay it all on the line
Get out from under this bushel and shine
I've got music to make and finally I will be heard
I've been hiding myself, that's what's wrong
The world's done without me for far too long
Hey, Coldplay! Get out of my way!
Hey! Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
I've got a one percent chance of success
A one percent chance, maybe less
I will be known as His Royal Rock Highness
Facing the odds at a hundred to one
But that's still better than none
Rob & Barry
Sometimes all you need is a sliver of hope and
You may just succeed, or at least the door's open
What once seemed impossible is there in your reach
You're riding the wave, or at least on the beach
I could win back her heart
I could make the chicks dance
I've got a one percent
A nine percent chance
I'm gonna find out her last name
And find out if she feels the same
I'll ask her out and get to see what's in her heart
There's not much hope I can win it
But the game has begun and look who's in it
Who knows She might go...
Yeah, maybe if I was the last guy on Earth.
There's a point, Oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
One percent chance she'll say yes
About one in a billion, I guess
I'm approaching infinity and happiness
We could go on a date
It could be anyday
I'm only light years away
I'm gonna ask Anna out!
I'm gonna rock the world!
She hasn't slept with him yet!
That's what she said
She said
Maybe there is a God!
Maybe I've got a prayer!
Maybe, oh maybe, Elvis isn't dead!
Sometimes all you need is a sliver of hope and
You may just succeed or at least the door's open
What once seemed impossible is there in your reach
You're riding the wave, or at least on the beach
If I've got a chance
And I've got a chance
Then I've got a chance
Hey! Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey! Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
I've got a nine percent chance of your love!
Nine percent chance of your love!
Nine percent chance of your love!
Nine percent chance of your love!
Nine percent of the time it's me your thinking of!
You say that it's hopeless
Well, I say that's cool
It might come from a rope
But that's nine percent fool
But that's a five percent chance
Five percent chance
A nine percent chance!
Nine percent chance!
Rob & All:
Of your love
Of your love
Of your love
1.Too Tired
2.Desert Island Top 5 Break-Ups
3.I Slept With Someone (Who Handled Kurt Cobain's Intervention)
4.Goodbye And Good Luck
5.I Slept With Someone (Who Slept With Lyle Lovett)
6.Laura, Laura
7.Nine Percent Chance
8.Number 5 With A Bullet
9.I Slept With Someone (Reprise)
10.It's No Problem (Reprise)
11.The Last Real Record Store on Earth