Its Progress
Has No Limits
And Neither
Do The Eyes
Of The Subterranen
Cynic The
One Who Must
Hide For All
This Time
He Has Chosen
A War Path
He Will End
Its Greed
Feeling Beings
Feeling Nothing
I Will Set
Its Limit
For My Future
Has No Home
The Snake
Is In The
Garden I Go
On Alone I'm
In Its Yesterdays
I've Seen
It Rise Escaped
By Thinking
Twice I Live
So It Must
Die I'm The
Mystic I'm
The One I'm
The Seasons
It's The Sun
I'm The Moon
You're Its
Need I Will
Make It Bleed
I'm The Moon
It Is The
Sun I 'll
Eclipse All
That It's
Done I'll
Bring Renewal
Through Destruction
I Will Make
It See This
Is A Warning
Of No Compromise
The Arrogant
Will Be Made
Humble The
Ignorant Will
Be Made Wise
1.The Towers of Avarice
2.The Ghosts of Dawn
5.Demise and Vestige
6.The Subterranean