Nuclear Fire (Live)

Bursting Metal -
Chroming Eagles
In The Night
In A Flying
Battle - Fighting
Monsters Side
By Side Into
The Light
We Are Guided
By Our Own
Destiny Keeping
The Course
Nothing Can
Stop Us At
All Forever
We Will Follow
The Light
Although We'll
Burn in Nuclear
Fire As We
Can See On
Our Last Flight
It Will Take
Us One Step
Higher Than
We Were Striking
Squadron -
Crushing Tanks
On Our Trail
There Is No
Weapon - Radar
Rockets Bound
To Fail Setting
The Pace We
Deploy To
Destroy Our
Enemy Keeping
The Course
Nothing Can
Stop Us At
All Forever
We Will Follow
The Light
Although We'll
Burn in Nuclear
Fire As We
Can See On
Our Last Flight
It Will Take
Us One Step
Higher Than
We Were Taking
No Prisoners
And Bring
No Survivor
We Are The
Soldiers O
F Death Painful
And Cruel
We Destroy
Our Rival
Violence Is
Catching His
Breads Forever
We Will Follow
The Light
Although We'll
Burn in Nuclear
Fire As We
Can See On
Our Last Flight
It Will Take
Us One Step
Higher Than
We Were
1.Fighting The Darkness (Live)
2.Battalions Of Hate (Live)
3.Hands Of Time (Live)
4.Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Live)
5.Under The Radar (Live)
6.Killbound (Live)
7.Nuclear Fire (Live)
8.Six Times Dead (16.6) [Live]
9.Angel In Black (Live)
10.Riding The Eagle (Live)
11.Metal Is Forever (Live)
12.Chainbreaker (Live)
13.Final Embrace (Live)
14.Sign Of Fear (Live)