He came in the dark night
Few men at his side
Black Douglas' arm for the Bruce
They could not loose
Stab Red Conym down
He won't wear a crown
Fight and kill we will
Win the Battle of Louden Hill
The heart of a lion
The blood of kings
A sword like thunder
Death he will bring
I am the Bruce
The king the lion
I am the Bruce
he master of war
March against me, pay in blood
I rule forevermore
The Bruce was crowned at Scone
His glory shone
Still the English are marching
We'll meet them at Sterling
One 'gainst three we stand
Fight for your land
The Battle of Bannock-burn
A lesson they did learn
1.The Ballad of Mary (Queen of Scots)
2.Rebellion (The Clans Are Marching)
3.The Truth
4.The Dark of the Sun
5.Killing Time
6.Culloden Muir
7.The Brave (Intro)
8.William Wallace
9.Scotland United
10.Cry for Freedom
11.The Bottle of Flodden
12.The Bruce
13.The Fall of the Brave (Outro)