Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus
Ex Maria virgine: Gaudete!
Tempus adest gratiae, Hoc quod optabamus
Carmina laetitiae Devote redamus.
Deus homo factus est Natura mirante,
Mundus renovatus est A Christo regnante.
Ezecheelis porta clausa per transitur
Unde Lux est orta Salus invenitur.
Ergo nostra contio psallat iam in lustro,
Benedicat Domino salus Regi nostro.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Christ is born of the Virgin Mary; Rejoice!
The time of grace has come for which we have prayed
Let us devoutly sing songs of joy.
God is made man, while nature wonders
The world is renewed by Christ the King.
The closed gate of Ezekiel has been passed through
From where the light has risen (the East), salvation is found.
Therefore, let our assembly sing praises now at this time of purification
Let it bless the Lord: greetings to our King.
1.Lyke Wake Dirge
2.Cam Ye O'er France
3.Sir James the Rose
4.Hard Times of Old England
5.Black Jack Davey
6.Thomas the Rhymer
7.All Around My Hat
8.When I was On Horseback
9.John Barleycorn
10.Long Lankin
11.Misty Moisty Morning
12.Go Down
14.Two Magicians
15.Blackleg Miner
16.Drink Down the Moon
17.The Weaver and the Factory Maid
18.King Henry