Drains her fifth and spits out a greek translation*. she slurs "how much more ******** you got left? cuz you been feeding me this crap about &free speech' and &thought-police' like i'm su
D to sit and swoon". it takes three more rounds till the subject changes and in that time she lays it down:"**** larry flynt and any campaign to silence women standing up and fighting
. and i **** to cum, so don't lay your &repressed' **** on me. i **** to cum. **** your blessed trinity. i'm so sick of needle-****s and (selective) first-amendments. i can out-think, out-drink
-****-you-all so **** your ******** &femi-nazi' crap, no needle-****'s gonna silence me. i **** to cum."
* graphos = graphic depiction, pornos = female ***ual slave
1.Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
2.Natural Disasters
3.**** the Border
4.Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik An
5.Back To The Motor League
6.With Friends Like These Who the **** Needs Cointelpro?
7.Ordinary People Do ****ed-Up Things When ****ed-Up Things Become Ordinary
8.Albright Monument, Baghdad
9.Ladies' Nite In Loserville
10.New Homes For Idle Hands
11.******** Politicians
12.Purina Hall Of Fame
13.March Of The Crabs
14.Ego Fum Papa (I Am the Pope)