Made Her For Jesus

JESUS! Sacred and ancient her images of what he was enshrined upon her bedroom wall
A picture of beauty and perfection
Halo vividly backing a man of such flawlessness
Lusting eyes easily attracting the whore
Laying in her bed, mind drifting to her own self-consumed fantasy
What has he done to deserve her, not even daddy can take her here
Glassy slitted eyes wander across the fading wallpaper
Absorbing visions of a large wooden crucifix and the picture of her lord
She loves the picture of her lord… “
This cross took his life,” she thinks in perverted passion her fingers caress the swollen pink lips that were made for her
Jesus… She feels a wrath that is so comforting feeling of childhood memories that she cannot forget
Bedsprings creak as raise to her feet holding her crotch stumble forward
Blindly reaches
Forward dimly lit
Comforting haven
This sickening spectacle
Virgin scraping at her clit grab the cross from the wall her secretions flow
As the twinkling
Diamond doorknob
Turns and the light
Shines in the old man
Stands with little girl
His silhouette cast
Across the dark wall
Changing so slightly
She feels a warmth that is so comforting…
A feeling of childhood memories that she cannot forget…
Sacred and ancient her images of what he was
Enshrined upon her bedroom wall
She feels a warmth that is so comforting
A feeling of childhood memories that she cannot forget
Bed springs creak as she raises to her feet
Holding her crotch stumbling forward blindly, she reaches forward
Grabbing the cross from the wall, her secretions flow as the twinkling diamond doorknob turns and the light shines in
The old man stands watching his little girl, his silhouette cast across the dark wall changing so slightly
His hardness foreshadows what is to come
He whispers out the name of their savior and walks up to her…
1.Made Her For Jesus
2.Fantasy From Pain
3.God Was Created
4.The Lord's Work
5.Lusting For Affection
6.I Must Not Live
7.She Never Noticed Me
8.I Didn't Kill Her
9.The Last Fantasy Of Christ
10.Christ, I ******* Hate You