The Devils weds a widow
Death another's leftovers
Better to lie on a willows
Rest on alder boughs
Then upon a widow's bed
On a used woman's pillow
Sweeter the side of a fence
Then a widow's flank
Softer the side of a grove
Than a widow's beside is
The Devil weds a widow
The grave one twice wed
A widow's hand is rougher
Than a dry spruce bough
With which she strikes the playful
Grabs the one who laughs
A widow has had her games
And spent a merry evening
1.Immortality Is Mine
3.Satan's Majestic Empire
5.In The Desert Of Set
6.Episode 666
8.Against Widows
9.Self Pity Sick
10.Autumn Leaves
11.Slaves And Masters
12.Riders On The Storm
13.Where Dead Angels Lie
14.Roswell 47
15.Master Of Disharmony
16.Northern Storm
17.Tired Moon
18.Learn How To Die