Stands and gears, oh how the daisies bloom
平台和齿轮 雏菊多么完美地开放
When chandeliers light up the engine room
Can you feel the drops as it starts to rain
There's an underwater ferris wheel where I found the missing link to this island chain
当我找到到那片岛屿的隧道时 发现了水下的摩天轮
家会一直存在 在有风景的这边
Home will always be here on scenery's side?
在那里我隐匿人间 消失不见
Where I disappear and hide
挥手告别的时候 我会进入梦幻
I think dreamy things as I'm waving goodbye
就可以张开翅膀 飞向蓝天
So I'll spread out my wings and fly
Home is a boxcar and it's so far out of reach
家会一直存在 在有风景的这边
Hidden under umbrella beach
在那里我隐匿人间 消失不见
挥手告别的时候 我会进入梦幻
Home will always be here on scenery's side?
就可以张开翅膀 飞向蓝天
Where I disappear and hide
我会张开翅膀 飞向蓝天
I think dreamy things as I'm waving goodbye
So I'll spread out my wings and fly
I'll spread out my wings and fly
Home is a boxcar and it's so far out of reach
Hidden under umbrella beach