Avicii-Waiting For Love(7evens remix)

Where there's a will, there's a way, kinda beautiful 有志者事竟成,有些美丽
And every night has its day, so magical 每个夜晚总伴随著白天,多有魔力
And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle 如果生命中有爱,那就无碍
That can't be defeated 会是坚不可摧的
For every tyrant to tear upon the vulnerable 对每一个摧毁弱势的暴君
In every lost soul, the bones of the miracle 在迷失的灵魂中,奇迹组成了骨骼
For every dreamer, a dream we're unstoppable 对一个梦想家而言,这场梦我们火力全开
With something to believe in 以及我们的信仰
Monday left me broken 星期一让我受伤
Tuesday I was through with hoping 星期二我不再抱有希望
Wednesday my empty arms were open 星期三我空空如也的双臂是敞开的
Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love 星期四就在等待著爱情,等待著爱情
Thank the stars it's Friday 感谢星辰带我们来到星期五
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday 我像在星期六燃烧的野火
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday 我想我星期天应该不会上教堂了
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love 我正等待著爱情,等著爱情
To come around 来到我身边
We are one of a kind irreplaceable 我们是无法取代的
How did I get so blind and so cynical 为何我变得如此盲目,如此愤世嫉俗
If there's love in this life we're unstoppable 如果生命中有爱 ,将无法阻止我们
No we can't be defeated 不,我们坚不可摧
Monday left me broken 星期一让我受伤
Tuesday I was through with hoping 星期二我不再抱有希望
Wednesday my empty arms were open 星期三我空空如也的双臂是敞开的
Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love 星期四就在等待著爱情,等待著爱情
Thank the stars it's Friday 感谢星辰带我们来到星期五
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday 我像在星期六燃烧的野火
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday 我想我星期天应该不会上教堂了
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love 我正等待著爱情,等著爱情
To come around 来到我身边
1.Avicii-Waiting For Love (Piano)(7evens remix)
2.Avicii-Waiting For Love(7evens remix)