When I Was A Little Girl (Remastered 2019)

When I Was a Little Girl -Katie Lee
This afternoon doctor I heard you say
I'm healthy and cured I can go my way
But doctor dear before I go
There's one thing more you ought to know
When I was a little girl
My sister was prettier
So I strangled sister
She's not prettier now
When I was a little girl
My brother was wittier
So I smothered brother
Guess who's wittier now
Once I went rowing with my cousin biff
Out on a lake in a flat bottom skiff
I can row better than you can said biffed
Now biff is stiff
My teacher in grammar school
Once flunked me in history
We met on the stairway
She's historical now
When I was a little girl
My aunty was critical
I toyed with her teabag
Unc's a widower now
Once I went climbing with my cousin John
High on a cliff roaming hither and yon
I can climb higher than you can said John
Oops poor John is gone
And that's my confessional
My psychic anatomy
And now that I've told you
My brain is awhirl
You've got all the evidences
That someday may shatter me
So I have to do again
What I kept doing when I was a little girl
1.When I Was A Little Girl (Remastered 2019)