Minii rap haluun yag dubai
Aluurchid oir haviar tsug baina
Harsan bol hamaa chi duugai bai
Zasuulav pizda min buh baina
Heterhii oirtson pizdakudiin duh bai
Manii chn oldog mungu magadgui tsustai
Umnu ni baisan tsenher bas tsagaan nustai
Odoo bol uur hamaa hun amitand tustai
Hool taraana hamaa micro avtobustai
Batsaaniig barina bi tgd bi nuraana
Duun deeree dursval bi eejii chn turaana
Hogiin duunuud hog shig hay basura
Jhn yumhand hudlaa tsarailj mansuuraa
Jinleed torlood baglaad savlaad shuud huraana
Udurjin shaana hamaa uuriihoo duraar
Tegjagad soligdono manii chn dugaar
Manai ger ulaanbaatar shig nil ugaar
Shudraga bus mungu olno shudargaar
Mogoi shig pizdakud manii ar hudragaar
Nudargaar shaaval ted magadgui hudarhaar
Semeerhen combi shaana olon yum dugarhaar
Gulugnuud utasnii tsaanaas ted hutsaldana
Batsaan deer suu asgaad gal taviad butsalgana
Ugzug min chamaig shuud shaaraad mani uuts bolgono
Eeliiyaa gedeg shig oldodgui nuuts bolov hamaa
Zadgai mungu buhel mungu udur bur toolno
Neg yvaltaar udriin tsaling chn mani olno
Huurhun nichkog enchee bi udur bur noolno
Ter tulaad bn tulaad bn gej heleed yoolno
Geriin shalan deerees uy uy uvs olno
Teriigee mani bichij avaad ug bolgono
Bishrel ayiin yvuulj ham hug olno
Udur bolgon bidnar mungu tugrug olno
Buur alag bumbug ***** i be ballin
Amidral geh togloomd hamaa mani goal hiine
Ene shitiig hiih gej tursun yum boluu
Duusgaj baij salna pizdakuud min holuur
Buur alag bumbug ***** i be ballin
Amidral geh togloomd hamaa mani goal hiine
Ene shitiig hiih gej tursun yum boluu
Duusgaj baij salna pizdakuud min holuur
She riding like a cyclone riding with her eyes closed
Just like that
I make money when the day come don’t know how the night goes
Just like that
I had to talk to my lawyer to see how it’s going
Can you beat that
My guy got me grooving Im back to that music
Can you dig that
My city the illest there is so many killers
Can’t stop that
Won’t y’all put down them guns then see who gonna funk
Y’all won’t do that
I am who you used to be this is not news to me I can **** your ***** without slipping roofies
I smoke the blunt and pass her the doobie
I smack a n** for talking rude to me
Bonnie clyde boy you don’t wanna rump with me
Me and my guys you know we control the streets
Just talked to boy he say he just copped the heat
Watch out for them police they down the street
Gotta keep my thing close im trynna sneak
Better be respectful when you try to speak
Don’t call me by my first ***** it’s Swami-Dee
They say I can ride with a gun what you trynna see
Buur alag bumbug ***** i be ballin
Amidral geh togloomd hamaa mani goal hiine
Ene shitiig hiih gej tursun yum boluu
Duusgaj baij salna pizdakuud min holuur
Buur alag bumbug ***** i be ballin
Amidral geh togloomd hamaa mani goal hiine
Ene shitiig hiih gej tursun yum boluu
Duusgaj baij salna pizdakuud min holuur