This kitchen has a king!
This hand, this hand is a cunning little bugger
With a habit of turning every A into a B
Unless it's put to work
There's a twitch twitch twitch and a rash, and an itch
For a job, for a magic job, and a magic diet and exercise plan
There are things I cannot do
I cannot not not turn a skinny little ****
Into a winsome Brit who spent his youth in honest pleasure
For all my wily ways
I cannot not not turn back into the boy
It's a tearful day when a boy must learn his limitations
Take a look at this brochure:
Inject, inject, strip away, peel away
The scars of self abuse with a couple of hours in a private clinic
What have I left in life?
The Knife! the Knife! this knife! this knife!
Every inch, every inch of me will come to know its magic!
1.The Arctic Circle
2.Song Song Song
3.He Poos Clouds
4.Many Lives -> 49mp
5.The Pooka Sings
6.Do You Love