I know you're rollin' down a runway out of LAX
Taking off to wherever you're going next
刚刚降落 下一站就要去哪里
Doesn't matter that I'm nowhere near that jet
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
You know this memory ain't gonna leave you alone
你知道 这份回忆不会让你孤身一人
You can try to drown it out with your headphones
你可以伴随着耳机中传出的音乐 沉浸其中
But it doesn't really matter what comes on
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
Girl you thought I was gone when you left me
女孩 当你离开我的时候 你本以为我也会离开
But it's gonna be hard to forget me
Keep telling yourself that it's over
不断告诉自己 这段感情已经结束了
The only over I'll be is over your shoulder
I ain't gonna fade away with the taillights
Down with the moon baby up with the sunrise
伴随着月亮下沉 跟着朝阳升起
Any song any scene any ol' side street
任何一首歌曲 任何一幅场景 任何一条街道
When you think you're rid of me then I'll be
当你认为 你已经摆脱了我
On the wind in the fall when the leaves turn brown
But it's still warm enough to put your windows down
但天气还足够温暖 那就拉下你的窗户
Every cobblestone corner in that college town
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
And when you're out at a bar with some new guy
And you end up in his arms at the end of the night
在黎明到来之前 你躺在了他的怀里
I oughta be the furthest thing from your mind
But baby I'm on it
但是宝贝 我会及时赶到
Girl you thought I was gone when you left me
女孩 当你离开的时候 你本以为我也会离开
But it's gonna be hard to forget me
Keep telling yourself that it's over
不断告诉自己 这段感情已经结束了
The only over I'll be is over your shoulder
I ain't gonna fade away with the taillights
Down with the moon baby up with the sunrise
伴随着月亮下沉 跟着朝阳升起
Any song any scene any ol' side street
任何一首歌 任何一幅场景 任何一条街道
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
Girl you thought I was gone when you left me
女孩 当你离开我的时候 你本以为我也会离开
But it's gonna be hard to forget me
Keep telling yourself that it's over
不断告诉自己 这段感情已经结束了
The only over I'll be is over your shoulder
I ain't gonna fade away with the taillights
Down with the moon baby up with the sunrise
伴随着月亮下沉 跟着朝阳升起
Any song any scene any ol' side street
任何一首歌 任何一幅场景 任何一条街道
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
Any sunny summer white sand beach
任何阳光灿烂的夏日 白色的沙滩
Any bed where you just can't fall asleep
任何一张床 你都无法入睡
Anywhere the road you're on might lead
Baby I'm on it
宝贝 我都会及时赶到
1.One Man Band
2.Make It Sweet
3.Some People Do
4.Never Be Sorry
5.My Heart Is a Bar
6.Midnight Mess Around
7.Smooth Sailing
8.Paint the Grass Green
9.American Style
10.Hear You Now
11.Do It With Me
12.I'll Roll
13.Everything to Lose
14.Dancing Forever
15.Can't Get You
16.I'm On It