Fade away, Angel Ice
Don't let your love disappear
You've been walking around for a very long time
I want you to stay
But you're on the way to the sky now
By the golden gate
But first you must give me one more thing
A dance on gin and juice
Please stay with me tonight
Let's melt together in the pines
I’ve been watching your eyes for a very long time
I want you to stay
But you're on the way to the sky now
By the golden gate
But first you must give me one more thing
A dance on gin and juice
1.Back To Earth
2.Down by the Riverside
3.Forgive Forget
4.Fire Burns Out A Weak Heart
5.Violettas Dance
6.Sting of Battle
7.Morning Light
8.Raise Your Head
9.My Sister Rising
11.Sad Girl
12.Ride the Night Away
13.Mr. Morris
14.Angel Ice