Party B***Krunk Remix)-Krunk
We gotta gotta move to that party b***
We gotta gotta move to that party b***
We gotta gotta move to that party b***
We gotta gotta move to that party b***
If their totties aren't moving
Then there's not enough b***
If their ***aren't shaking
Then there's not enough b***
If their totties aren't moving
Then there's not enough b***
If their ***aren't shaking
Then there's not enough b***
Yeth yeth oh J on
We gotta move to that that that party b***
We gotta move to that that that party b***
If their totties aren't moving
Then there's not enough b***
If their ***aren't shaking
Then there's not enough b***
If their totties aren't moving
Then there's not enough b***
If their ***aren't shaking
Then there's not enough b***
We gotta move to that that that party b***
We gotta do in that that party b***
We gotta be move to that that that party b***
We gotta do in that that party b***
We gotta move to that that that party b***
We gotta do in that that party b***
We gotta move to that that that party b***
We gotta do in that that party b***
If their totties aren't moving
Then there's not enough b***
If their ***aren't shaking
Then there's not enough b***
If their totties aren't moving
Then there's not enough b***
If their ***aren't shaking shaking
Shaking shaking shaking shaking
If their ***aren't shaking
Then there's not enough b***
Yeth yteh oh