Don't you like what's on your plate? It's not free.
Shaking fists at this debate. Woe is me. Woe is thee.
It's all for show so please bake me cookies.
The stage lights glow and we stare like rookies.
Take your cause and pass it around.
Take one down and pass it around.
I'm not fair and you're not sound.
Pass it around now you're not sound.
Take your turn in beating the horse.
Take him down now take him down.
Gee I hope we're not off course.
Take him down now take him down.
Don't you like what's on TV? It's not free.
We'll agree to disagree. Woe is me. Woe is thee.
It's all for show. So please call this number.
You'll never know. And you'll always wonder.