These days I keep finding myself caught in between
这些天我发现自己身陷囹圄 进退两难
Am I awake or am I walking in my sleep?
我清醒着吗 还是在梦游
Just never know what I'll be feeling today
Happy or sad, yeah, it could go either way
是快乐 或悲伤 皆有可能
One minute I'll be fine then I don't know how to feel
会有那么一分钟 我不悲也不喜 然后我就不知如何去感受自己的内心
I'm in between the two, standing still and on the run
在悲喜之间徘徊 无措地站着 又仓皇逃离
Don't know what to do, I'm in two places at once
不知往哪走 我分身乏术
I feel like the moon tryna stay up for the sun
我觉得 月亮想为太阳而停留
Heart is so confused 'cause it's two places at once, oh
心中充满困惑 因为我左右为难
I'm always spinning back and forth, I'm up and down
我总觉得自己的世界天旋地转 自己也跟着上下折腾
My head's all over the place and I'm stuck on the ground
我头顶高空 又深陷地里
Just look at the birds, they only know how to fly
看着掠过的鸟群 它们无忧无虑地飞
Up in the clouds, they never worry like I do
云端之上穿梭 它们不会有我的忧虑
One hand holds onto hope, the other's filled with doubt
左手握住希望 右手又握住怀疑
I'm in between the two, standing still and on the run, yeah
在悲喜之间徘徊 无措地站着 又仓皇逃离
Don't know what to do, I'm in two places at once
不知往哪走 我分身乏术
I feel like the moon tryna stay up for the sun
我觉得 月亮想为太阳而停留
Heart is so confused 'cause it's two places at once, oh
心中充满困惑 因为我左右为难
The same things that make me smile
Are the same things that make me cry
The same things that comfort me are keeping me up at night, oh
会抚慰我心 也会让我彻夜难眠
I must be goin' numb, maybe it's all because, oh
我已经麻木 或许一切都因为
I'm feelin' everything, I'm feelin' all at once
我性格敏感 能感受到所有的细枝末节
I'm in between the two (Standing still and on the run)
Standing still and on the run
无措地站着 又仓皇逃离
Don't know what to do, I'm in two places at once
不知往哪走 我分身乏术
I feel like the moon tryna stay up for the sun (Ooh-ooh)
我觉得 月亮想为太阳而停留
Heart is so confused 'cause it's two places at once
心中充满困惑 因为我左右为难
My heart is two places at once
Two places at once
3.Change Your Mind
5.2 Places
7.Kid I Used To Know
8.Pretty Fades
10.Sorry Would Go A Long Way
12.The Lie
13.Until I Think Of You
15.Your Words
16.Before The Dawn