I Laugh When I'm With Friends But Sad When I'm Alone

(Yeah, uhhhh)
(Yeah, uh, uhh)
Hurry up and bounce it before I forget
What I made in my head yeah
I don't wanna spend my life
Thinking what they'll think or what they might
If I go see her show, she might collapse and lose her life
只是看到了她的光鲜亮丽 却不知道背后她多想喘口气 她活的不像自己
I guess I'll save some money
And save myself from wasting time, like
是时候拯救自己了 离开那些挥霍时间的日子
**** this lil' dyke, the way she's going,
It'll be her fault if she ever dies
All that time you was talkin', that **** was eatin' me alive
你们在滔滔不绝地贬低我时 我也在慢慢地百念灰冷
Through the judgments, you didn't see I was fightin' for my life
你的判决如此冷酷 也不会看到我在和生活奋力斗争
How could I send signs? And God forgive me if I cry
Then I'll become an attention seeker and not a leader
当人们注意到我 我就只是个苦苦巴结的寻求者
See people will only really understand you when they need you
看透了世间苍凉 人们只在需要你时才理解你
I guess I'm better off all alone in a two-seater
我更好的是一个人独处 成为万人唾弃的对象
People tellin' me to stop, don't be weak human being
大家都叫我停下 不要委曲求全
While the voice inside my head keeps tellin' me that I need it
但我内心依旧有个声音 告诉我 不要改变自己
I now ask you, please stop judgin' me
现在当我来问问你 请不要再对我指指点点
I got myself out this single handedly
And we do what we do 'cause we don't understand the consequence
大家只是迷茫地走自己的路 因为我们都不知道尘埃落定时结果如何
Of every step we take is wrong, how could we ever see the mess?
假如走得步步错 谁又能带我们走出这个游戏
And it's not just you and me, the whole youth is depressed
不只是你我 世人正值韶华时都无比迷茫 过得沮丧
Living with the devil, constant battle every day
恶魔伴在左右世事无常 但每日不变的只有与他挑战
Wake up, gotta talk to people but I don't know what to say
醒来了 我想找个人倾诉 但总是欲言又止
And they tellin' me get off my ass, I was born on the wrong path
他们叫我滚 是不是我活着就是错的?
(yeah, mmm)
And I'm tryna solve these problems, but I was always bad at math
我尝试解决这些麻烦 但我真的不擅长
(mmm, yeah)
And your voice has made it harder, and that's just honestly
讲真 你的话语让我举步维艰
I had to shoot up to my brain to become the person that I wanna be
我很想一枪射穿自己的头颅 让一切重新来过
(Yeah, oh)
Growin' up tryin' to figure out who you are
成长了 想弄清在黑暗中真实的人们都是什么样的
Sniffin' **** at 14, it becomes a little hard
发觉自从14岁以来 人生变得更难了
When you're livin' in a scene where the healthy **** is far
总是尝试尽情投入生活这部情景剧 身心疲惫
But the drugs are no further than your room or your car
Don't be alarmed, it'll get brighter, it'll get better
不要畏缩 言归正传 世界是明亮的 一切会好起来的
It's 'cause we are fighters and tougher than leather
我们是一位位前赴后继的勇士 我们比领导者还更充满热血激情
The strong you is inside, but you just haven't met her
勇敢的你自在你的内心 只是时机未到
Only we control our storm because we are the weather
这暴风雨只有我们才能控制 因为我们主掌天气
Don't get how I could love the things that really torn me
曾经 得不到所爱真的扰乱了我的生活
Remember tellin' myself that I was quittin' in the mornin'
但在清晨告诉我自己 我决定我要退出了
And did you really try and help or was you tryna tell a story?
你是否很想和人们诉说真实的你 真实的故事
It's okay 'cause I got me and I don't need you to feel sorry
这没有错 因为我懂我自己 我不需要对任何事物感到抱歉
The future's bright, let's make it pro
我们前程似锦 让我相信未来可期
We got us, we are the light
我们了解我们自己 我们也会鲜艳夺目
We are the world, we are love
我们将会主宰世界 我们让它充满爱
We gotta fight for ourselves 'cause no one's gonna
我们要为自己浴血奋斗 没有人会
No one's gonna
I laugh when I'm with friends, but I'm sad when I'm alone
与朋友在一起 我戴上微笑的面具 但独身一人 枕头藏满了我的泪
And I be alone and I be alone and I be alone
And I be alone
And I be alone
And I be alone
(Yeah Uh)
I laugh when I'm with friends but I'm sad when I'm alone
与朋友在一起 我戴上微笑的面具 但独身一人 悲伤蔓延
And I be alone, I be alone (Yeah, ohhh)
I laugh when I'm with friends but I'm sad when I'm alone
与朋友在一起 我笑的很欢 但独身一人 悲伤蔓延
And I be alone
1.I Laugh When I'm With Friends But Sad When I'm Alone
2.Somebody Like Me
3.Lost In Love